Fusion 2100

Automatic Vertical Fusion 2100
Automatic Vertical Fusion 2100

Automatic Vertical packaging machine. The name FUSION reminds us of the origin of this machine from the two models which came before it. It embodies the idea of strengh and reliability overcoming its predecessors and competitors in the same field.

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The name FUSION reminds us of the origin of this machine from the two models which came before it. It embodies the idea of strengh and reliability overcoming its predecessors and competitors in the same field; all this is emplied in the brand new catchy desing obtained thanks to the use of round tubulars which give to the FUSION greater stability even when running at high speed.

The use of high level components competes the picture. It is available both in stainless steel and painted steel, this allows us to apply it in many different conditions, sometimes aggressive, where washability and short cleaning time in necessary.

The choise of accessories is very wide, last but not least the possibility to realize stabilo bags.

Bag sizes :

  • Min 32 (w) x 60 (l) mm
  • Max 320 (w) x 500 (l) mm

Speed : Up to 45 bags/min (mechanical speed 70 bags/min)

Automatic Vertical Fusion 2100 - Dimensions

Automatic Vertical Fusion 2100 - Dimensions

Additional Information

Dimensions 1270 x 1775 x 1550 mm

Painted Steel, Stainless Steel


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